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Do yourself a Solid.

The phrase debuted in Seinfeld's "The Jacket."
KRAMER: Hey. Hey, would you do me a solid?
JERRY: Well, what kind of solid?
KRAMER: I need you to sit in the car for two minutes while it's double-parked. I gotta pick up some birds.
So do yourself a solid and grab the Solid Belt Buckle from Fosterweld - at $25, that's a steal of a deal whether it's for yourself or someone on your Christmas list. Choose from a wide variety of vibrant enamel color treatments, and then we’ll distress the heck out of it before coating the whole thing in an automotive gloss to prevent rust. This buckle comes in two sizes, 4 x 2.25 inches, or 3.5 x 2.15 inches - and will fit on any of our cool snap belts.
If you're looking for gift ideas for your husband, or gifts men like in general, stop at the Fosterweld shop and pick up a steel belt buckle or distressed leather belt for an affordable yet unforgettable Christmas gift.
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