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The pitter patter of little feet
I love new born babies. I especially love that they look like little wrinkly old men, even those that are girls. Eventually though, they turn into cute little people. :) The best part about babies are their tiny feet. I know some people press their kids feet in plaster, but at FOSTERWELD you can have them CNC milled onto a buckle to remember forever. That's what one of our customers did this past Christmas.
The CNC machine can engrave, lightly, heavily, simply, and is even capable of complex designs to create that awesome belt buckle. What is a buckle without a belt though? Fosterweld has numerous amounts of possibilities for belt options. Our distressed belts are our specialty. Pictured below is the CNC milled baby feet buckle, along with the distressed red belt.

The CNC machine can engrave, lightly, heavily, simply, and is even capable of complex designs to create that awesome belt buckle. What is a buckle without a belt though? Fosterweld has numerous amounts of possibilities for belt options. Our distressed belts are our specialty. Pictured below is the CNC milled baby feet buckle, along with the distressed red belt.
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